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Gardening in EYFS by Hayley Winter
With ever more children growing up in housing without a garden, it is vital that settings enable children to enjoy the many benefits of gardening activities.  Now let’s start off being completely honest with you… I am not a green fingered gardener BUT this young gardener grab and go kit is perfect for a novice like…
Den Making by Hayley Winter
Den making is much more about the process of building it than the wow of the product at the end. Although children can get pretty creative when it comes to building their dens! Our role as educators is to facilitate the play by providing suitable resources, spaces for den building and an understanding when to provide support and…
A woman and young boy play in dark den with light up toys
Episode 2: Emotionally secure learning environments with Olivia Kirkby
During this episode of the TTS Talking Early Years Podcast, Alice Sharp and Olivia Kirkby continue the conversation on creating enticing, language-rich learning environments. This week, Alice and Olivia focus on exploring the emotional environment.   How do we create safe, secure and cosy places for play-based learning? And why is the emotional environment so integral to children’s…
baby playing with TTS glow and go bot
Episode 1: Robotics in Early Years and KS1 (Key Stage 1)
In this very first episode of the TTS Talking Teachers' Podcast, Mark Steed is joined by Andrew Tallet, Digital Technology Lead at Kellet School in Hong Kong.  Sharing his passion for integrating technology across the curriculum, Andy offers his guidance on how robotics can support learning from the Early Years through to Key Stage 1. …
Meet Podcast Guest: Iantha Ussin
Before her May 2021 transition from the classroom to full-time academic consulting, Ms. Iantha Ussin taught middle school English for 15 years with the Richmond County School System in Augusta, Georgia, United States. In addition to being voted her school's Teacher of the Year in 2011, she was repeatedly named a highly qualified middle grades…

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