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Tim Peake: Taking STEAM learning into space
We met astronaut Tim Peake to find out how space travel is STEAM–powered Compared to the population of the planet, only a handful of people can say they’ve seen the Earth from space. Tim Peake is one of those lucky few and a huge advocate of STEAM learning. Luckier still we got to talk…
STEAM Education: a Perspective from Spain
by Cristina Balbas-Martinez Cristina Balbas has a PhD in Molecular Biomedicine and is also trained in early childhood education.  In 2013 she co-founded Escuelab, a social enterprise that provides access to a practical, interactive scientific education, promoting research vocations and developing skills for the future amongst Spanish pupils. Economies worldwide are increasingly in…
Child stands next to wooden outdoor table with shelves
What does STEAM look like in the Early Years?
STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths. This is a forward-thinking, integrated approach to learning that combines these subjects to guide children’s inquisition and critical thinking.  Early years doesn’t necessarily come to mind for many practitioners and teachers when considering STEAM. However, STEAM is central to children’s learning and development in the…
Children putting toy boats in water
STEM Teaching in Primary Schools
The concept of STEM learning is to combine science, technology, engineering and maths to create something that is greater than the sum of its individual parts. Combining these subjects together can help pupils understand how the subjects they study can be applied in real life. It's important for Primary Schools to teach STEM as it…

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