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Tim Peake: Taking STEAM learning into space

Reading Time: 2 minutes

We met astronaut Tim Peake to find out how space travel is STEAM–powered

Compared to the population of the planet, only a handful of people can say they’ve seen the Earth from space. Tim Peake is one of those lucky few and a huge advocate of STEAM learning.

Luckier still we got to talk to him about his journey into orbit. Here are some of the amazing things he shared with us:

How STEAM can prepare children for space

With its multidisciplinary applications and practical skill development, Tim Peake is a supporter of STEAM learning. He believes that an understanding of all these elements is key to any career path a child would want to explore. And that it’s especially important when it comes to space travel.

Here’s Tim’s view of how STEAM learning helps him day-to-day:

“It’s very important in terms of being an astronaut, you have to be a little bit of a jack of all trades, hopefully a master of one or two of them. But it is having that broad range of skills, abilities and training and being able to pull it all together, regardless of what tasks you might be assigned to do on any particular day onboard the space station.

One day you could be doing an incredibly important scientific experiment and then a few minutes later, you could be fixing the plumbing on the space station. Both tasks are very important.”

Boy holds globe

He talked to us at length about how STEAM is a great way to equip students with the skills they’ll need to travel in space – from engineering and scientific understanding to all the soft skills in between.

Here are some more inspiring insights from Tim on why and how he advocates STEAM learning, even when it comes to his own children:

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Register for our exclusive STEAM-focussed webinar panel discussion to hear more from Tim Peake, alongside panellists:

  • NASA Astronaut Marsha Ivins
  • Stemettes CEO Anne-Marie Imafidon
  • Global EdTech Consultant Craig Kemp
  • Early Years Consultant Alistair Bryce-Clegg
  • Primary Teacher and Consultant Simon Hunt

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