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ADHD Strategies
Andrew Whitehouse: ADHD strategies that support all learners
In this article, Andrew Whitehouse shares ADHD strategies to support all learners. ADHD is a complex neurological disorder and there is significantly more to it than Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity, and Impulsivity. Linked to these presentations are deeper, more subtle aspects of the condition.  The Visual Timetable  One of the most prevalent of these is short-term memory deficiency.…
Empowering Early Years Education banner
Empowering Early Years Webinar: FAQs
Following the TTS Talking: Empowering Early Years Education webinar, we received lots of great questions and requests for additional content and support. In this article, we highlight our answers to your questions, alongside supporting content by our educational experts at TTS and other educationalists from across the globe. We’ve also included some handy links to…
mentally healthy classrooms
Ruth Lue-Quee: Mentally Healthy Classrooms
Ruth Lue-Quee, Education and Inclusion Expert, explores and offers practical advice on how to create mentally healthy classrooms. Below is a short excerpt.  Everybody knows how to look after their physical health, but looking after our mental health is just as important. As educators, protecting our own health and creating a mentally healthy culture for our…
Headshot of Kate Moxley
Kate Moxley: Rethinking Educator Wellbeing
Have you ever wondered how many early years educators have left the profession because of their mental health? I do, because I did. I also know that I am not alone, because of the very many messages, emails, and conversations I have had with so many educators who have had to make difficult decisions about…
young adults comforting each other in the workplace
Free downloadable Mental Health and Wellbeing Pack
Free Guide to Mental Health and Wellbeing TTS is delighted to partner with Sheffield Occupational Health Advisory Service (SOHAS) to bring this free mental health and wellbeing pack. Our co-created mental health and wellbeing pack provides instant access to the following guidance and support for teachers and practitioners: Tips for identifying stress Methods to prevent…

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