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CPD Topic 1: Inclusive Pedagogy
Course content: This topic has been developed with Dr. Sharon Colilles, a Senior Lecturer in Early Childhood Studies at Bath Spa University, a Trustee on Froebel Trust Council, Vice Chair on the Executive for Early Childhood Studies Degrees Network (ECSDN) and an associate trainer for Early Education. The course introduces what inclusive pedagogy is and…
Episode 4: Promoting inclusive practice with Dr. Sharon Colilles
Shaddai Tembo is joined by Dr. Sharon Colilles for one final time to wrap up their incredibly insightful discussion on inclusive practice in the early years. Throughout this episode, we explore how practitioners can challenge their practice to make positive changes.   Sharon shares what advice she would give to practitioners trying to implement inclusive pedagogy…
Episode 15: Ideas to help you take charge of the classroom
In episode 15 of the TTS Talking Teachers’ podcast, Steven Bollar and Educational consultant, Iantha Ussin reconvene to share their advice on being firm and taking charge of the classroom in a positive way.   Firm, mean, or angry? Iantha defines what teaching techniques look like when you move from firm into mean and then angry, plus…
Meet Podcast Guest: Dr Sharon Colilles
Dr Sharon Colilles is Senior Lecturer in Early Childhood Studies at Bath Spa University, a Trustee on Froebel Trust Council, Vice Chair on the Executive for Early Childhood Studies Degrees Network (ECSDN) and an associate trainer for Early Education. She has a diverse career background, initially working for the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP),…

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