How do we create safe, secure and cosy places for play-based learning? And why is the emotional environment so integral to children’s learning and development in the Early Years? Alice and Olivia reflect on these questions and so much more to provide valuable insights, tips and guidance to help you create warm, safe and impactful learning environments.
The emotional environment
Olivia encourages practitioners to reflect on how the space makes them feel. Is it a safe? Do you feel comfortable, is it an aesthetically pleasing place to be? Are the people in the room welcoming, warm and calm?
Babies and young children are influenced by the emotions of the caregivers and peers around them, which is why developing positive relationships are key.
Creating a secure, safe and engaging learning environment means more to a child than what’s around them. How they feel within that environment is what will influence their learning and development for years to come.
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(The views expressed throughout this podcast are the speakers’ own, and TTS does not take responsibility for the views and guidance highlighted as part of this recording).
(Please note: When referencing the speaker’s views, theory and work for the development of your own materials, please ensure the academic reference of the speaker is cited).
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