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Listen on TTS Talking Teachers’ Podcast

Introducing the TTS Talking Teachers’ Podcast. This new series from TTS aims to equip teachers with fresh ideas and inspiration for the classroom and beyond. Click here to listen on > Each week, podcast hosts, Mark Steed and Steven Bollar, will be joined by different educational experts from across the globe offering exclusive insights, inspiration, and…

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Listen on TTS Talking Early Years Podcast

Welcome to the TTS Talking Early Years Podcast. Each week, we’ll be joined by global experts, early years practitioners, and in-house educational experts at TTS as we discuss everything Early Years! Click here to listen on > Our podcast hosts and guests will be sharing practical guidance and inspiration for your settings, signposting you to relevant resources, and…

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Den Making by Hayley Winter

Den making is much more about the process of building it than the wow of the product at the end. Although children can get pretty creative when it comes to building their dens! Our role as educators is to facilitate the play by providing suitable resources, spaces for den building and an understanding when to provide support and…

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A woman and young boy play in dark den with light up toys

Episode 2: Emotionally secure learning environments with Olivia Kirkby

During this episode of the TTS Talking Early Years Podcast, Alice Sharp and Olivia Kirkby continue the conversation on creating enticing, language-rich learning environments. This week, Alice and Olivia focus on exploring the emotional environment.   How do we create safe, secure and cosy places for play-based learning? And why is the emotional environment so integral to children’s…

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