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blog banner for olympics ideas for schools
Olympics Ideas for Schools – Bee-Bot Special
With the Olympics coming up soon, Mr Hunt and his classroom took to celebrating this, hosting their very own Olympics with a twist – using their Bee-Bots. If you’re looking for Olympics ideas for your school, then read on.   If you want to watch the full video of Mr Hunt’s Olympics activities in action, press…
podcast cover for transitions in early years
Transitions in Early Years and their Impact
Dive into the topic of Transitions in the Early Years, in collaboration with our expert podcast guests Julie Pearson and Richard Knight from the Early Years Alliance. Learnings, tips, resource recommendations and more, all included.    Here at TTS, we recently had the privilege of hosting 4 podcast episodes with Early Years Alliance experts Julie Pearson…
Episode 14: Physical Play with Ben Kingston-Hughes 
Alistair Bryce-Clegg is joined once again by Ben Kingston-Hughes to explore the essential role of physical play in children’s development. Practical tips for practitioners Outdoor play is highlighted for its unique benefits, including fostering independence and allowing for safe risk-taking. Additionally, they discuss how physical play can actually benefit children’s mental health into adulthood.   Alistair…
Episode 13: Imaginative Play with Ben Kingston-Hughes 
Alistair Bryce-Clegg is joined by Ben Kingston-Hughes, international keynote speaker, author and multi award-winning trainer. In this episode, they discuss the transformative power of imaginative play, and its role in building confidence, fostering creativity and shaping future problem-solvers.   Practical tips for practitioners They highlight how encouraging children to use items unconventionally becomes a critical part…
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CPD Topic 4: Play in the Early Years
Course content: This topic has been developed with Ben Kingston-Hughes. Ben is an international keynote speaker, author and multi award-winning trainer. He is also the Managing Director of Inspired Children and has worked with vulnerable children across the UK for over 34 years. This course will support your understanding of Play in the Early…
Dr Martin Brunet Headshot
Meet Podcast Guest: Dr Martin Brunet
Dr Martin Brunet joins our host Lee Parkinson, aka Mr. P, on Series 2 of the TTS Talking Teachers' Podcast to continue the discussion around the theme of mental health in teaching. Dr Martin Brunet is a GP and Medical Educator based in Guildford. He worked for 10 years as a Training Programme Director on…

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