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CPD Topic 5: Curriculum in the Early Years
Course content: This topic has been developed with Ruth Swailes. Ruth is an award- winning Early Years specialist with more than 30 years’ experience working in Education. This course will support your understanding of Curriculum in the Early Years.  Learning outcomes: Expand your knowledge on the topic area and understand how this subject fits within…
early years children in a classroom
Back to School Teacher Checklist: Essential Tips for a Smooth Start 
With some thoughtful preparation, you can begin the year on the right foot and keep the stress at bay. Here’s your ultimate back-to-school teacher checklist to help you get organised and stay sane.  As the back-to-school season approaches, teachers across the UK are preparing for the new term. It’s a time filled with excitement, fresh…
podcast cover for building skills in early years curriculum
Episode 18 | Building Skills in Early Years Curriculum with Ruth Swailes 
In this episode, Alistair Bryce-Clegg is joined once again by Ruth Swailes, award-winning Early Years specialist, to discuss building skills in the Early Years curriculum. They emphasise that skill development stems from quality continuous provision and offer tips for crafting a curriculum tailored to specific school settings.   Practical tips for practitioners Ruth and Alistair delve…
podcast episode cover for what does early years curriculum look like now
Episode 17 | What does Early Years Curriculum look like now? with Ruth Swailes 
In this episode, Alistair Bryce-Clegg is joined by Ruth Swailes, award-winning Early Years specialist, to discuss the current landscape of the Early Years curriculum. They explore what an Early Years curriculum entails, a term that often intimidates practitioners.   Practical tips for practitioners Ruth and Alistair address the pressures of top-down mandates and emphasise the importance…
Episode 16: Vulnerable Children’s Play with Ben Kingston-Hughes 
In this episode, Alistair Bryce-Clegg and Ben Kingston-Hughes discuss the transformative power of play for vulnerable children. Practical tips for practitioners They highlight how play genuinely changes lives, and is essential for children’s growth and development into resilient adults.  They focus on strategies for engaging vulnerable children in play, suggesting providing half-built play materials…

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