Early Years Podcast

Developing Key Skills Through Play

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Meet Podcast Guest: Sue Egersdorff

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Sue has always believed in the power of relational connection as a tool for improving learning, health, happiness and productivity. As an educator of very young children, she has watched how they engage and intuitively invite others to reciprocate, explore and be curious about anything and everything! 

In 2019, she set up Ready Generations as a charity to encourage connections between people of different ages, particularly the very young and very old. Her ambition is to create potential for a refreshing community dynamic that really does put people first! 

Championing Intergenerational practice and provision

Ready Generations blends international expertise in early years practice, policy and influence, as well as practical, validated and ongoing intergenerational research and learning.

The charity’s vision is to make a difference to lifelong learning and care by becoming a leading provider of intergenerational practice and provision, and a leading edge active research and professional development organisation for intergenerational services. It operates direct childcare services to nursery children and their families, alongside shared, integrated and meaningful learning and enrichment activities for older adults and children, learning and living together.

As a contributor to our new TTS Talking podcast series, Sue explains how practitioners can facilitate intergenerational exchange in their own provision an settings and the benefits of doing so. 

Loose parts play

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