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Episode 4 | How to support neurodiversity with Dale Pickles

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Mark Loveday is joined by Dale Pickles for a final episode, to focus on understanding and supporting neurodiverse learners. The episode highlights the importance of emotional regulation and working memory, as well as multisensory learning and engagement.

Practical tips for practitioners

Practitioners will learn top tips for supporting neurodiverse pupils, by being more aware of the importance of focus in pupils and supporting emotions. Dale also touches on the importance of teachers being explicit when communicating, so tasks can be interpreted clearly by pupils, as well as having a clutter-free environment to ensure there are fewer distractions.

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(The views expressed throughout this podcast are the speakers’ own, and TTS does not take responsibility for the views and guidance highlighted as part of this recording.)  

Please note: When referencing the speakers views, theory and work for development of your own materials, please ensure academic reference of the speaker is cited. 

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