The Teachers’ Podcast

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Episode 2: The coding journey continued: Robotics in KS2 (Key Stage 2) and beyond

Reading Time: < 1 minute
In episode 2 of the TTS Talking Teachers’ podcast, Mark Steed is joined by two members of Kellet School in Hong Kong – Andy Tallet, Digital Technology Lead, and Liam Murphy, Innovation Lead.  Andy and Liam explain how you can drive forward the computational skills learned in Key Stage 1 and integrate technology with the curriculum.

Empowering educators

The team passionately dispel the myth that you need a certain level of knowledge to be able to bring technology into the classroom. Andy and Liam explain how tutorials and social media have made it easy for teachers to develop their skills in this area and what resources and tools are available to support. They encourage teachers to take the risk, not be scared and give it a go! 

(The views expressed throughout this podcast are the speakers’ own, and TTS does not take responsibility for the views and guidance highlighted as part of this recording).

(Please note: When referencing the speaker’s views, theory and work for the development of your own materials, please ensure the academic reference of the speaker is cited).

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