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Back to School Teacher Checklist: Essential Tips for a Smooth Start 

Reading Time: 3 minutes

With some thoughtful preparation, you can begin the year on the right foot and keep the stress at bay. Here’s your ultimate back-to-school teacher checklist to help you get organised and stay sane. 

As the back-to-school season approaches, teachers across the UK are preparing for the new term. It’s a time filled with excitement, fresh starts, and—let’s be honest—a touch of anxiety. With a new class, new responsibilities, and perhaps even new rules, the start of a school year can feel like stepping into the unknown. 

Create and maintain an organised learning environment

An organised classroom is key to a successful start. Begin by decluttering your space—everything should have a designated place. Use trays, pots, and magazine files to keep resources accessible and avoid desktop chaos. Clearly labelled storage helps pupils find what they need quickly and keeps the classroom running smoothly.  

Additionally, organising your paperwork is crucial. Take some time to sort and label everything. Use high-quality folders to store important documents, and recycle anything you no longer need. Staying on top of your paperwork now will save you headaches later.  


Plan for Extra Time and Flexibility

It’s important to recognise that the start of the year may involve longer transitions and adjustments. After the summer break, it often feels like pupils need time to re-familiarise themselves with school routines. Plan extra time for daily routines and lessons to accommodate these adjustments. A clear timetable for the day and week can help you stay organised and flexible.  


Build Classroom Community and Connection

Building a sense of community in your classroom is vital. At the start of the year, focus on fostering a positive classroom environment through activities that encourage team spirit. Whether it’s extra playtime, a craft session, or simple class chats, making time to connect with your pupils will enhance their engagement and create a supportive atmosphere.  


Take Care of Yourself

As you prepare for the new school year, remember to prioritise your own well-being. Plan for regular ‘leave early’ nights where you refrain from taking work home, allowing time to relax and recharge. Additionally, schedule lighter marking days or practical lessons to give yourself a breather. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Finding balance is key to maintaining your energy throughout the term. 

For more advice on how teachers can build an effective work/life balance, why not listen to our podcast episode with expert guest Dr Steph Ainsworth on the topic below. 

Stock Up on Supplies 

Ensure you’re well-stocked on classroom essentials to avoid any last-minute scrambles. From stationery to furniture, having the right supplies can make your job easier and help the classroom run smoothly. Take advantage of back-to-school sales and explore TTS’s extensive range of supplies to find everything you need. 


Remember Why You Teach 

When challenges arise, remind yourself of why you chose to teach. Whether it’s the joy of seeing a child grasp a new concept, the opportunity to make a difference in a pupil’s life, or simply the love of learning—hold onto that passion.  

As Rita Pierson famously said, “Every child deserves a champion—an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be.” 


Final Thoughts 

Starting a new school year can be daunting, but with careful planning and a few strategic decisions, you can make the transition smoother for both you and your pupils. Focus on creating an organised, supportive environment, take care of yourself, and remember your passion for teaching. Here’s to a successful and fulfilling school year ahead! 

Looking to get your classroom ready for the return to school? We’ve got you covered. Browse our selection of essential back-to-school resources on the TTS website.  

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