The Teachers’ Podcast

Supporting You In The Highs And Lows Of Teaching

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Episode 13: Practical ways to embed rituals and routines effectively 

Hosting a new segment on classroom management, Steven Bollar joins the TTS Talking Teachers’ podcast alongside educational consultant, Iantha Ussin.  In this episode, Steven and Iantha discuss the importance of rituals and routines in the classroom, including using the EDGE technique, setting and practicing expected behaviours, and more.  With the mantra “we have all year to teach,…

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Meet Podcast Guest: Matthew Savage

After 25 years as an educator, school leader and principal, both in the UK and internationally, Matthew is now a speaker, trainer, consultant and coach; Associate Consultant at LSC Education and editor of SchoolRubric's InterACT Magazine; a member of ECIS' DEIJ team and the Global Equality Collective, and regular contributor to the Diverse Educators network;…

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Meet Podcast Guest: Noha Gaafar

After 8 years of dedicated service in pastoral care, Noha is currently the Assistant Director of the Sixth Form at The British International School, Cairo. This year, she oversees the academic wellbeing of the Sixth Form students undertaking the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP). As an educator, her passion stems from seeing students succeed without defining…

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Episode 7: Academic outcomes and student wellbeing  

In this TTS Talking podcast episode, Mark Steed is joined by Noha Gaafar, Assistant Director of Sixth Form at the British International School in Cairo.  Drawing on her experience in both pastoral care and academic progress, Noha shares her insights into the profound and inherent connection between wellbeing and academic performance.  Supporting learners at all levels  Mark and…

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